Home Forums General Discussion Statistical software to analyze Q1E

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  • John O’Neill
    Post count: 80

    Posted for an Industry Colleague:

    Most statistical training is in the theory of statistics. It would be nice to find a webinar training on how to use specific software: Minitab (for us) but other courses in JMP and SLIMSTAT would be valuable to others, for Q1E stability data analysis for poolability and expiry dating. I use Minitab and follow specific steps to analyze for poolability then use Excel to assess slope/intercept per Q1E. Then plot the data either pooled or not to assess expiry date. But this isn’t something I can train/explain to others why I do what I do with Minitab. Also, I’m following the same steps I used for Minitab 15 and we are now on Minitab 21 which has a specific stability module. Other than a YouTube video, I haven’t been able to find a webinar that would be useful for my group to talk them through the process of how to use Minitab specifically for Q1E analysis.
    (JO)-Can we hear from our statisticians, educators, software providers and stabilitarians who have dealt with this need?

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