Home Forums General Discussion Chamber Selection? Reply To: Chamber Selection?

John O’Neill
Post count: 82

Hi Jeff,

As the forum host, StabilityHub doesn’t make endorsements, but our subscribers are welcome to make positive recommendations posted in response to your question or to contact you directly with both positive and negative experiences. Vendors may not post their own endorsement or volunteer their product/services on this page, but they are also welcome to contact you directly, or to purchase advertising space in the monthly StabilityHub Newsletter and/or on the website. StabilityHub also has a “Vendors” feature where vendors can request to be listed free of charge.

That said, I would respond to your query by recommending you establish a short list of 5 suppliers who are known for manufacturing low temperature chambers and have a history of specifically serving the Medical Product Stability Function. Hopefully, our readers will supply ideas in abundance. The prior relationship of the Vendor with the Stability sector is important. We know of at least 1 company who lacked a detailed User Requirement List when they made their initial vendor contact. They purchased a unit which ended up preserving bagged lunches in the company cafeteria because it couldn’t meet the tighter specifications required by our industry.

Good luck with your search.

John O’Neill
Editor, StabilityHub