By Geoff Carr
Published in: Informa Connect
Published on: November 7, 2023
Course Overview: Stability testing is a major requirement in the development of a pharmaceutical product to determine the versatility of a drug substance when exposed to certain conditions such as heat, pH, humidity, and radiation. It is vital for patient safety to know how a drug product will change over time and to provide adequate advice for the storage and disposal of the product. Stability failures are responsible for a third of product recalls, costing pharmaceutical companies millions. The risk of not conducting thorough stability testing, therefore, outweighs the cost of performing it.
This course will provide you with an understanding of the science behind stability testing, a detailed examination of the ICH guidelines, and accurate assessments of the tools and techniques to carry out testing. Crucially you will gain a deeper understanding of the guidelines and how best to create stability protocols to maintain compliance.