By ME McMahon et al
Published in: AAPS Jr Sep 2021
Published on: September 16, 2021
Abstract: In consideration of the recent ICH Quality Discussion Group (QDG) recommended revision to the ICH series of stability guidelines, the IQ Consortium (International Consortium for Innovation and Quality in Pharmaceutical Development) Science- and Risk-based Stability Working Group conducted a comprehensive review of ICH Q1A, Q1B, Q1C, Q1D, Q1E, and Q5C to identify areas where the guidelines could be clarified, updated, and amended to reflect the potential knowledge gained from current risk-based predictive stability tools and to consider other science- and risk-based stability strategies in accordance with ICH Q8-12. The recommendations propose a holistic approach to stability understanding, utilizing historical data, prior knowledge, modeling, and a risk assessment process to expand the concept of what could be included (or would be acceptable) in the core stability data package, including type and amount of stability evidence, assignment of retest period and shelf-life for a new product, and assessment of the impact of post-approval changes.