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A KENX and PSDG Collaboration:

Team up to transform your Stability program for faster turnaround, lower costs, fewer errors, and reduced compliance issues. What you need to know about the Stability Laboratory/Operations/Stakeholder Paradigm to boost efficiency, reduce costs, and improve compliance. The Medical Product Stability function is often configured in 3 divisions:

  • The Stability Group (or “Stability Operations”) that plans and arranges for the conduct of stability studies.
  • The laboratories that develop methods, set specifications, and carry out the required testing.
  • The wide array of stability stakeholders that provide input to, and rely on output from, the stability process.

This training event focuses on the critical aspects of the stability testing laboratory and what Analysts, Operations staff and Stakeholders can do to optimize the overall Stability function. Knowledge is power, and your stability program will get a powerful boost through the information exchanged and questions answered in this program.

Get your tickets and learn more!  Use PromoCode SH500 for a discount when registering.

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